Getting into university and living on your own is something you have to experience. While it may seem to be a minor issue for most adults, living in a dorm is a pretty big thing for any freshman college student. Being away from home could mean freedom to do as you please. Of course there are still rules to follow in order not to get into trouble.
How do you make a cramped space the best dorm room you can have? Here is a list of the top 10 dorm room decorating tips to get you started:
Make a temporary yet fab headboard. It is a must to always start by making a visually comforting bed. It is going to be your happy place a.k.a. home for at least the whole semester after all. Make use of cardboard and a fancy fabric to make a fab headboard and turn a standard dorm bed appear luxurious.
- Establish your side of the room by creating a photo mural. In cases that you don’t get a single, have your own space and stamp it with a wall mural. You may use framed photos or have one that fits the whole space for a chic look.
- Use small potted plants to add a nature vibe. If you are unlucky enough not to get a room with a view of a garden or at least a tree, create a refreshing atmosphere by having potted plants that will fit the window sills or a small space at your table.
- Customize beddings with iron on transfers. You have an unlimited choice on how you want to have the best sheets ever. You can decorate it with your favorite Boston university mascot to show team spirit, or have a flower design for a much softer look.
- Use folding chairs for additional seats. Dorm rooms always have a limited floor space. For instant chill-out sessions, folding chairs will make do as extra furniture.
- Stick removable decals for wall design. An empty, white dorm wall is boring. Liven it up with removable decals or even wallpaper sheets.
- Turn plain storage boxes into decorative pieces. Instead of throwing them away and buying another set when you move out, make storage boxes useful by using it whole year round and paint it with patterns to make them look like furniture instead of just storage wares.
- Make use of Washi tape. They come in colorful designs and you can tape it along the edges of your bookshelves to make it more like your style, or use it to create fun shapes on the walls.
- Put up a canopy using 3M hooks. You do not break the rule of not using nails on the walls right?
- Finally, rearrange furniture to find the perfect layout. Sometimes all it takes is to move around the bed or place the table in another area to make more room space.